In Memoriam
We constantly remember all paraneoplastic patients, and especially honor the paraneoplastic warriors who have passed away. They are gone, but never forgotten I have fought a good fight. I have finished my course. I have kept the faith. - Paul's Epistle to Timothy Verne R. Hopper, USA 1996 Linda Doyle, Canada 1998 John Lang, Canada, 1998 Ellen Ziek, USA, 1999 Donald Kitchin, Australia, 2000 Louis McKlveen, USA, 2000 Gloria Elaine Baxter-Girtz, USA, 2001 Luca Perizzolo, Canada 2001 Rita Olivo USA, 2001 John Henry Johnston, USA, 2002 Maurine M. Marsh, USA, 2002 Sandra Joy Luckey, USA, 2003 Ronald Berkshire, USA, 2004 James W. Stapleton, USA, 2004 Thomas P. Aten, USA, 2004 Janell Crain Byrd, USA, 2004 Brad Clark, USA, 2004 Catherine Ann Cucco, Canada, 2005 Geraldine Golemo, USA, 2005 Peter Wilhite, USA, 2005 Stephen Bognar, USA, 2006 Pam O'Connor, USA 2006 Pat Hunt, USA, 2006 Juan Linares Roca, Spain, 2006 Kenneth Vincent Byrne, USA, 2006 Dorothy Patricia Trovini, USA, 2006 Elsie Lichtman,USA, 2006 Beverly "Sandy" McDermott, USA, 2007 Dennis Morrison, Canada, 2007 Donna Jane Vaughan, USA, 2007 Ruby Comer, December 2007 We Remember Them In the rising of the sun and in its going down, We remember them; In the blowing of the wind and in the chill of winter, We remember them; In the opening of the buds and in the warmth of summer, We remember them; In the rustling of leaves and the beauty of autumn, We remember them; In the beginning of the year and when it ends, We remember them; When we are weary and in need of strength, We remember them; When we are lost and sick at heart, We remember them; When we have joys we yearn to share, We remember them: So long as we live, they too shall live, for they are now a part of us as We remember them. If you would like your loved one to be remembered on the Paraneoplastic memorial list, please email Carolyn Lawrence at Carolynzlawrence@gmail.com.